Blade & Soul NEO
Was super excited when I heard that Blade and Soul was getting a major update/reboot, this was my first big MMO I was into, and uh, oh god, oh god it's so poorly optimized. I would normally just blame my shitty PC but FFXIV looks infinitely better and runs perfectly on my shitty PC.
The voice actors that were replaced sound infinitely better though! I'll give them that, tbf I didn't play very far in, only like an hour worth, because it was running so so poorly.
Halo Reach
Forgot to log this one, but my boyfriend and I have been replaying the Halo campeigns, I love Reach's story so much, feels so incredibly grounded yet dark.
Pokemon Emerald Imperium
I'm really liking this romhack so far, it's a bit frustrating as it feels like the other trainers just know shit that they shouldn't like what item you're holding. I chose Popplio as my starter :)
I finally decided to give Skyrim a shot last night and, oh my god, I get it, I get why this game is so popular, this is like Baldur's Gate tier of meeting expectations. Rough around the edges but amazing for the time and so incredibly fun to make builds.
I went with a male Argonian (naturally, reptillian races my beloved) though I specifically chose male since I, really don't like how female Argonians looks.
I'm going for a generale magic build focused into destruction magic and illusion magic.
I've owned this game for awhile, got it when I first got my PSVITA too, but I never got farther than the first chapter. The Vita and the PSP have so many little hidden RPG gems on them I wanna play more.
I love the art style for this game, also Mayura is fucking adorable.
Pokemon Renegade Platinum
Beat Candice! Probably the easiest gym in this romhack ngl, though my Luxray did kinda prove her worth in this gym battle with her coverage, maybe I won't remove her from my team afterall
Tomodachi Life
Love Tomodachi Life for giving me moments like the very moment Riamu decided to become an idol while talking to Zakuro from Subahibi.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team
Through all of the Mystery Dungeon games I've ever played, I have never gotten a cubone on my Pokemon test, but I did this time, this is a genuinely magical experience, I'm so used to either getting a grass starter or skitty.
I ended up going with a Treeko as my partner mon.
Animal Crossing: New Horizon
The daily grind. I'm gonna try to finally unlock Brewster, he's easily my favorite Animal Crossing character I require him on the island.
Kirby's Dream Course
First time actually playing this game, so cute as Kirby should be, shockingly easy to get hyper-competitive in.
Animal Crossing: New Horizon
Had a strong craving to pick my switch up again, I should seriously put this game back into my morning routine.
Mario 64 (Switch Online Port)
I find it so funny how bad I am at this game, I've been so hardwired to watching experts play this game that me, someone who did not grow up with this game and didn't play it til young adulthood, struggling with the most basic parts of this game, I find it funny. The game is a solid classic tho.
Final Fantasy 7
Finally got properly introduced to Aerith and she is ADORABLE!!
I can see exactly why people fell head over heels for Tifa and Aerith honestly, they're both so sweet.
Final Fantasy 7
While looking at my boyfriend's family's old PS3 that he thought was broken we found out that there's a downloaded copy of Final Fantasy 7, since I've been wanting to go through a bunch of the Final Fantasy games I started it up for funsies.
I'm only just out of the opening section of the game (after you committing a casual act of aggresive protest that media is masking as terrorism hey that's funny) and I'm actually already really enjoying myself.
As far as I knew, Cloud was a completely silent protagonist in the original, but he seems to actually have a character here.
Also Tifa is very cute.
This is driving me slowly insane, I know what I'm missing, the dud egg thing, but I haven't been able to spawn any on the file that's almost complete, my dogs are too healthy lol